Encouraging all believers to embrace their Hebrew heritage.
Cry Aloud is a podcast hosted by Chuck and Vickie Tatum; encouraging all believers to embrace their Hebrew heritage by diligently searching all the scriptures. A deeper understanding of the Torah, prophets, and writings of the Old Testament greatly enriches one's comprehension of the New Testament teachings.
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There is a "Great Awakening" among believers taking place throughout the world and even in Huntsville, AL.
It is a spiritual phenomenon that seems to be happening without encouragement or prompting - a desire to not only keep God's true and Holy Sabbath, but to learn about all of His Holy Days. It is a spiritual yearning to understand the richness of our Hebrew roots.
While waiting for a great revival to occur in the last days, most religious leaders have no idea that this Great Awakening is occurring all around them. Why can't they see it?
Maybe it is because there is ...
It's a move of God on the hearts of believers - believers from all backgrounds and denominations, awakened and gathering together, desiring to know God's ways and wanting only to please Him, to recognize what sin is and what is acceptable to the just, righteous and holy God (Yahovah). These believers are resisting man-made rules embedded in all denominations, and going straight to the Word He gave us. They are meeting together in homes just as the apostles did, seeking knowledge and understanding of the forgotten first five books of the Bible, called Torah, where God himself reveals to us how to please Him. Believers are beginning to question some of their long held doctrines and tradition prevalent and accepted
in many religious institutions.
Could it be the fulfillment of the prophecy found in the book of Zechariah?
Thus says the LORD of hosts: 'In those days ten men from all languages and nations will take a firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, 'let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.' Zechariah 8:23

Believers are coming together in homes, churches, parks, campsites or wherever, to share a meal to pray and to diligently study ALL of the Scriptures to understand how we, as followers of Jesus (Yeshua),
connect to our Hebrew Roots.
Shabbat Gatherings and Studies
Our desire is to help bridge the division that exists between some traditional teachings and our
Hebrew heritage. Our Shabbat gatherings offer an opportunity to fellowship with other
Believers who desire to develop a deeper understanding of all the Scriptures. We, and others
in our area, meet in our homes and you are invited to join us on Saturdays for fellowship, a meal,
prayer and bible study. It is very exciting as we begin to understand some of the history,
geography, and politics during the time of Yeshua and the many misunderstandings
that have developed from long held doctrines and traditions.

Everyone has a unique story about how they began to sense something was missing in their spiritual walk. It was the same for us.
Why was our fellowship calling Sunday the Sabbath or "the Lord's Day"? Why were we observing a different day than the one God had instructed His Believers to keep, the 7th day (Shabbat) which is the 4th Commandment. This was huge for us! We wanted answers but only opinions were offered. No religious leader would or could give us Biblical Scripture that clearly answered this question:
Why do Christians not keep the true Sabbath?
