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Have You Been Gone?!

Vickie Tatum

For my first blog, I would like to re-introduce myself to some of my old friends and acquaintances that we knew before we left Huntsville over 25 years ago. In many ways, I feel Chuck and I are not the same people we were before we left the area. We moved to Tennessee, then onto Atlanta. Now being 25 years older and wiser (hopefully), I believe we have changed, not only in our older appearance, but also in our hearts, our passion and our understanding. You may remember we were pretty much “babes in Christ” when we began The Victory Network. We didn’t know or understand all the “rules” so we made some mistakes. We just wanted to share this new salvation experience with all the zeal of a new believer. God used our zeal and started us on an amazing journey.

Here is a brief synopsis of our journey since then. As you may already know, the cable company we used in Madison raised our cost from $.11 per subscriber to $2.76 per subscriber. We were simply priced out of business.

That time was used as our training ground. More importantly, God used it to teach us complete trust in Him by continuously making a way where there was absolutely no way in the natural. We literally had to trust Him for our daily bread.

Shortly after, Chuck and I were approached to move to Tennessee to build a television station for another broadcaster. Within the first year after this move, we were fighting a ferocious battle, not just the ones from plowing new ground, but I was diagnosed with a rare cancer in my left lung which had grown in my bronchial tube and was closing off my breath. Needless to say, I received a great miracle and have been cancer free for 24 years. After 6 years in Tennessee we acquired a radio station with an AM and a strong FM signal. We also purchased the license to the television station and a huge studio. We grew, learned much and many people crossed our path. Our television skills and production quality increased considerably over time. Completely taught by God, I was hired to produce documentaries, music videos, and outside television shows. Christian Friends of Israel had hired me to produce a documentary in Israel. The making of this documentary made the biggest impact on our lives. Please read the story on our website. Pretty amazing!

We have traveled to close to 30 countries, ministering in Norway, Spain, Israel, India, etc. We became advocates for Israel to help turn the hearts and minds of people towards Israel and the Jewish people through honest information. We have learned so much and understand how Israel and the Jewish people are our brothers. We have come to see that the Old and New Testaments are one, and that Jews and Christians were not meant to be two separate religions. Jews are receiving Yeshua their Messiah in droves and Christians are hungering to know our great Jewish/Hebrew heritage.

We feel our ministry is to help bridge the gap between the Church and its Hebrew roots. We are called-out people striving to obey God‘s concepts and to live a holy and righteous life. We have added to our worship the keeping of Saturday Sabbath, the only day that God has named His true holy Sabbath day!

You are invited to our home on Sabbath to join us in a Shabbat meal and meet great friends. Bring your Bible and we will search together.

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1 commentaire

20 mars 2021

I know that whatever you feel is God's calling will be first and foremost in your daily life and that you will put every ounce of your ability into making it successful. Blessings for this new (and needed) ministry! Love ya'll, Diana

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